Dead Sara | The Viper Room | 11/1/14 [Photos & Video]

THE ACT: Dead Sara | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


The Viper Room. It’s a storied venue that’s had everyone from Tom Petty and the Hearbreakers, Bruce Springteen and Johnny Cash to Stone Temple Pilots, the Go-Go’s and Oasis. Christina Applegate once tended bar one night.

With a capacity of only 250, when certain shows get announced, it’s often times only the hard core fans, or fans in the know, who get tickets. The Eagles of Death Metal Valentines’ Day gig this year. As soon as I found out that tickets were available, I logged on. The same day tickets were announced, within no more than 30 minutes, tickets were already sold out.

I subscribe to a lot of social media outlets that give me a heads up about tickets that go on sale, but when tickets were released (and not announced) for Dead Sara’s show at The Viper Room, my friend who takes guitar lessons from Dead Sara’s bassist gave me the heads up. Talk about knowing the right people … right?

When I arrived at the venue (early to make sure that I could get a spot up front), there was already a line. TheDEADicated were already there in full force, one of whom drove all the way from Denver to catch the show. Luckily, the line wasn’t too long such that I couldn’t get a spot up front. Perhaps not the best angle, but at least I didn’t have to worry about getting other fan’s heads in the shots.

Dead Sara rocked it solid. Rocked it hard. Rocked it furious. Their live shows are what it’s all about. I love their music, but I love watching them breath life into their music even more.

After the last song of their set (check out the photos below to see the autographed setlist I was able to procure), my veins were pumping with adrenaline. They have a new album that is ready to see the light of day. If all goes according to plan, Dead Sara should be lining up more gigs next year.  I’m a Dead Sara junkie. I need my fix, and I can’t wait.



A member of theDEADicated shot and edited some video and I’ve posted links below. If you are a fan of Dead Sara you should probably follow him on Youtube and Twitter.

The Filthy Souls | The Viper Room | 11/1/14 [Photos & Video]

THE ACT: The Filthy Souls | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram



Brit indie-rockers, The Filthy Souls are in indie-rock band whose released a self-titled debut EP this year. It’s a solid, 7 song set of pulsating music that straddles the pop and hard rock lines with a delicate balance.

Their performance at The Viper Room, opening for Dead Sara, was a rocking affair that I’m sure made believers of some of the Dead Sara faithful, myself included. It certainly didn’t hurt that they were giving out free music and t-shirts to those who wanted them.

I’m definitely going to keep an ear out on this band. I’m excited to hear more from them, and hopefully catch them live again.



A member of theDEADicated is also a big fan of The Filthy Souls. He shot some video and I’ve posted links below. If you are a fan of Dead Sara, or a new fan of The Filthy Souls, you should probably follow him on Youtube and Twitter.

Alphabetics | Culture Collide | Main Stage | 10/18/14 [Review, Vids & Photos]

To Check Out Other Bands We Caught At Culture Collide CLICK HERE

THE ACT: Alphabetics | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram



This was one of my favorite live performances of the day. This band from Costa Rica’s metal tinged, alternative rock was a lot of fun. What made it more fun was their stage presence. The bassist and guitarist played with so much energy, highlighted by their playing off of each other in a “dueling electric guitar/bass” moment, that I couldn’t help but get pumped. They call their music “dance punk” and it was true. This music … music that I’d never heard before … had me moving in the photo pit.



To Check Out Other Bands We Caught At Culture Collide CLICK HERE

Linda Perhacs | Way Over Yonder | Santa Monica Pier | 9/27/14 [Photos]

To Check Out Other Acts that I Caught At Way Over Yonder, CLICK HERE!

THE ACT: Linda Perhacs | Facebook | Twitter Instagram


THOUGHTS: I had never heard of Linda Perhacs before Way Over Yonder, but when I googled her name, I found a Wikipedia entry that revealed to me that she had recorded her first album in 1970 titled “Parallelograms”. Further research revealed that this psychdelic folk album, though not commercially successful when it was initially released, was having its own modern day renaissance. Highly rated by many critics and online resources, the album has been reissued on several occasions over the years. It took over 40 years, but Ms. Perhacs finally recorded and released her sophomore album, “The Soul of All Natural Things” earlier this year.




To Check Out Other Acts that I Caught At Way Over Yonder, CLICK HERE!

Chris Robinson Brotherhood | Way Over Yonder | Santa Monica Pier | 9/27/14 [Photos]

To Check Out Other Acts that I Caught At Way Over Yonder, CLICK HERE!

THE ACT: Chris Robinson Brotherhood | Facebook | Twitter Instagram


THOUGHTS: Chris Robinson, the Black Crowes frontman, has been recording and releasing music “solo” since 1993 and has at least 10 albums since 1993. Founded in 2011, Chris started the Chris Robinson. Though I don’t have all of the band’s albums, I do have “The Magic Door” (released in 2012) and that album is a solid album that jams with the best of them. The Chris Robinson Brotherhood didn’t let me down. It was a great, mellow vibe that I can only imagine audience would have experienced at a Grateful Dead show back in the day.

SETLIST (Unverified):setlist-image-v1




To Check Out Other Acts that I Caught At Way Over Yonder, CLICK HERE!

Dead Sara | The Echo | 5/6/14 (PHOTOS)


Dead Sara, a Los Angeles based, hard rock band consisting of Emily Armstrong (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, Sean Friday (drums), Siouxsie Medley (lead guitar) and Chris Null (bass guitar), have been in the studio recording music for their highly anticipated sophomore album for the past half year. Having recently finished recording said album, they decided to bless their L.A. fans with three club gigs throughout the month of May (at The Echo 5/6/14, The Bootleg 5/14/14 and the Satellite on 5/21/14). I was lucky enough to snag a ticket (before all three shows sold out) to their gig at their first show of the year at The Echo.

I’m a huge fan of this group. When I heard the opening riffs of “Weatherman” for the first time, it was like love at first listen. When Emily started wailing over the music, I was hooked. I saw them perform twice in 2013 (once at the El Rey Theater and also as the headliner for the Lobster Festival at the Port of Los Angeles). Their live performance solidified my love for this group. They rock, and they rock hard. My passion for this group’s music was enough for me to get “inducted” as a member of “The DEADicated” (a group of die-hard fans that will go to great lengths, and travel great distances- across continents- to see Dead Sara rock).

The day of the show, The DEADicated arrived at the venue at 10:30am to secure their spots up front. I wasn’t there, but if I stopped dating a girl because she didn’t like their music (true story), I feel like I earned a right to be a member of The DEADicated too! LOL.

Their set consisted of music from their debut LP and music from their forthcoming release (“Evil”, “Radio”, “Suicidal”, “Traveling Band”, “Something Good” and “Mr. Mr.” were all performed live for the first time ever! Lucky me!). They performed their cover of Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing in the Name” and the audience even sang “Happy Birthday” for Emily, as it happened to be her birthday. Emily prefaced the show stating that the new music were still works in progress, and asked that no one video record them until they were performance proof.

I spent my time trying to find the right camera settings to take decent pics, but leave it to a DEADicated to post up videos  of their older songs from the show. Click through the video and check out other videos of their older songs from the show.

I’m still a newbie at taking concert photos in a venue with tricky lighting, but I think that I was able to snag a few decent shots with my DSLR. If anybody has any suggestions (other than getting a better – more expensive- lens), please chime in below in the comments. Hopefully, the next time I see them perform live, I’ll have it down pat.

Motörhead | Coachella | 4/13/14 (PHOTOS)


My first taste of Motörhead came in my fraternity days at college. I remember hearing “Ace of Spades” blasting out a brother’s room, and when I asked about the song, my buddy simply said, “You don’t know Motörhead? Lemmy rules!” That’s stuck with me ever since. I’ve had a couple of opportunities to see Motörhead perform live in the past, but for one reason or another (Lemmy’s health or scheduling conflicts), I was never able to make it out to see Motörhead perform live … until Coachella.

Their set was everything I expected. It was a barrage of shredding riffs, thunderous and frenetic drums, accompanied by Lemmy’s gravelly and ominous voice. I was particularly impressed with Mikkey Dee and Phil Campbell’s playing. So vicious. So on point. So raw.

After getting booted from the photo pit, and not wanting to take a risk by joining the swelling masses in the tent for fear of damaging my camera, I meandered over to the next tent to take pictures of another artist. After getting the boot from that photo pit as well, I went back to Motorhead to catch the second half of their set. So thankful that I did. I think I got there for the tail end of “Just ‘Cos You’ve Got the Power”, and after a few songs their set had ended. At least I thought it had ended…

The next thing I knew, the band introduced “a friend” and Slash walked on stage. Holy Shit. Mind blown. Without hesitation, Slash comes in with the opening riff of “Ace of Spades”. Mind doubly blown. My frat brothers would have been going nuts.

Motörhead Setlist Coachella Festival 2014 2014, Aftershock Tour


Pearl Jam | Los Angeles Sports Arena | Nov. 23-24, 2013


Pearl Jam got me drunk my freshman year of high school. Well … not literally … let me explain.

I was a decently athletic kid back in the day. I played three sports and earned a varsity letter that year in Track & Field. To celebrate Spring break, the varsity letterman had a house party in the hills. A classmate of mine’s brother was a member of the club, and he invited a couple of other fellas to join in on the fun.

Being an underclassman, attending the privileged lettman party was a bit intimidating. My only point of reference of what parties of that ilk were like I gleaned from movies like “Sixteen Candles” and “House Party“. I was anticipating the latter, and I shuddered at the though that I could be that party’s Long Duk Dong.

When I got to the party, the varsity letterman and their upperclass female friends were already there boozing it up. The hot, unattainable upperclass females aside, I noticed the music playing the background. It was Pearl Jam’s “Ten”, and it was on repeat for the whole evening. At least, that what I remember.

With nervous anticipation, I stepped into the party and grabbed my first beer in a plastic, red cup … ever. In the kitchen, a crowd had amassed around willing participants beer bonging, and before I knew it, I was on my knees, taking tips from others about how to effectively take in the 4 beers in one incredibly large “shot”.

The rest of the evening, truth be told, is a bit of a blur. I remember hearing “Alive” and “Why Go” while I was babbling about how my parents would kick my ass if they found I was a drunk. I remember flirting with the sophomore I had a crush on in the backyard while “Black” was playing. I remember listening to “Release” while I was nibbling on tree leaves because some of the varsity letterman convinced me that it would freshen my breath so that my parents would never be able to tell.

I woke up the next morning with my first hangover ever, and with Pearl Jam melodies echoing in my head. Pearl Jam may not have actually gotten me drunk, but they were there with me, and I remember that vividly, and I’ve been a fan ever since.

Pearl Jam has been on my concert going bucket list for the longest time. When I heard they were playing two nights at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, I and a friend jumped at the chance to get tickets and tickets were purchased for their show on the 24th. Knowing that Pearl Jam never plays the same set twice, I kept my fingers crossed that Sunday would be the day they would play most of the tracks off of “Ten”.

Hours before the show on the 23rd, another friend of mine called to invite me to the show for that evening. WHAT?!?! Canceling the plans I had made for the evening, I accepted the gift that the music-gods offered, and thank the heavens that I did as they played almost all of the songs from “Ten” that left such a strong impression on me at that party.

I won’t wax poetic about the shows as they have been eloquently written about HERE and HERE. The set lists for the 23rd and 24th can be found HERE and HERE respectively.

Though I didn’t beer bong for either of those shows, I did have a couple beers and reminisced about those early days of my halcyon youth, watching them kill the stage with their musicianship and music. Cheers, Pearl Jam. Next round, or beer bong, is on me.

Highlights from November 23, 2013

Highlights from November 24, 2013

Unfortunately, the Flickr slideshow below is not currently available on mobile devices. If you are on a mobile device, please click THIS LINK to get redirected to the set of photos.

Dead Sara | The Port Of Los Angeles | September 14, 2013

Click here to check out the other blog entries I wrote up for the bands (The Section Quartet, Nightmare & The Cat and Deap Vally) I was able to catch at the 2013 Port Of Los Angeles Lobster Festival.

Dead Sara.
Dead Sara.

Dead Sara: THE reason why I went to Lobster Fest at the Port of Los Angeles in the first place. I saw Dead Sara at the El Rey earlier this year, and their show kicked ass. In fact, it’s probably in my top 5 for “best shows of the year” in terms of sheer, overall awesomeness. My only regret from that show was that I wasn’t able to get a decent picture of Siouxie Medley shredding on her guitar.

Dead Sara
Dead Sara

Objective for their Lobster Fest gig? Snap that elusive picture while avoiding an elbow to the chest in the pit. LOL. I met up with members of the The DEADicated and joined them upfront against the railing. One of the members had been there since noon so as to ensure getting a front row spot. Now, THAT’s dedication.

Dead Sara have been in the studio recording new tracks for their next album and everybody there knew it. A lot of the conversations before their set consisted of  “What do you think they’ll be playing?” and “Do you think they’ll play any of their new stuff?”. The anticipation was high. Extremely high.

As Dead Sara took the stage to set up, I shouted, “I love you Siouxie!” then ducked behind another member of the DEADicated.  I noticed Siouxie look up from tuning her guitar, but I didn’t point myself out.  Talk about total, juvenile crush move there. Actually getting embarrassed thinking about it. LOL. I noticed to my left that there was a young girl and her father. I warned them that the crowd up front may start to get a little rowdy when the music got more intense, and told them that I’d do my best to make sure that his daughter wasn’t trampled.

Dead Sara setlist.
Dead Sara setlist.

The set started, and Emily started with the more mellow “Sorry For It All”, but as soon as the guitar lick for “Test On My Patience” kicked in next, the crowd started to swell and get anxious.  As soon as “Monumental Holiday” started, the moshing commenced. I’ll admit, it was kinda tough to take pictures, protect the little girl next to me, and mosh, but really, it’s hard to care when you love the music so much. After “Monumental Holiday”, Dead Sara unveiled, to the crowd’s delight, one of their new songs “Mona Lisa”. Two songs later they unveiled another named “Greaser”.  Videos taken of each are immediately below:

After “Greaser”, I decided to leave my spot up front and see if I could get better shots elsewhere.  Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, and by that time, the battery in my camera had expired. C’est la vie. I was able to get a few cool shots of band, and Siouxsie, but I still feel like I can get better with my Sony Cybershot. Well … looks like I’ll have to catch them again when they start gigging later this year. Ohhh, yeah … late November maybe? At least those are the rumors …

Sean Friday and Emily Armstrong of Dead Sara.
Sean Friday and Emily Armstrong of Dead Sara.
Dead Sara's Chris Null
Dead Sara’s Chris Null
Dead Sara's Siouxsie Medley
Dead Sara’s Siouxsie Medley
Emily Armstrong and Sean Friday of Dead Sara
Emily Armstrong and Sean Friday of Dead Sara
Siouxsie Medley of Dead Sara

The Locust | FYF Festival | August 24, 2013

To check out pictures of other bands I was able to catch at the festival, CLICK HERE.


Leaving Devendra Banhart‘s set a little early to grab a beer, I walked by the smallest stage of the festival and stumbled upon a group named The Locust. Playing amongst the trees of the state park venue, and wearing eerie, alien like, body suits, this band was shredding their set. Fast, loud and furious, this was about as hardcore as harcdore punk could get. I thought about getting closer to the stage to get a better angle for pictures, but I stopped my progression with one look at the pit and thought better of it.

If you needed a jolt of adrenaline to get you through the rest of the day, this band could have given it to you. They gave it to the audience in short bursts of frenetic shredding and intense vocal delivery.  Each song couldn’t have been more that two minutes long, and I wondered how this band could keep it up for 45 minutes. I could have stayed longer, but I looked at the time and realized that another band was scheduled to start when they ended, so I meandered off with a little more vigor in my steps.

The Locust
The Locust
